INFrequently Asked Questions - LTFC Predictor League
This page addresses the most frequently asked questions about LTFC Predictor League. Whether you're really bored and you clicked this page - perhaps you're eager to engage with our community, or maybe just curious about predictions,, you'll find all the information you need right here. Maybe.
What services does LTFC Predictor League offer?
We offer a match prediction competition, community engagement activities focused upon the mighty LTFC.
What makes LTFC Predictor League unique?
We are passionate about football and encourage our community to cheer on the 'Rip Roaring Hatters' with unique match predictions and top banter!
Can anyone participate in the match predictions?
Yes, at the start of each season!
What do I do if I think you've scored me incorrectly?
Get in touch via WhatsApp!
Are there any prizes?
Free to donate some!
Is there a membership fee for joining the Predictor League?
Currently fee free!
How can I stay updated on upcoming events?
Engage in the WhatsApp chat channel "Hatter Chatter"
How can I contact LTFC Predictor League for further questions?
You can reach us via the contact form on our website or call us directly at our Loughborough office.
Get In Touch
Have more questions? Contact us today via Hatter Chatter!
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